Prayer expresses our dependence upon God in the middle of our suffering. Praise expresses our determination to glorify God in the middle of our suffering.
The bottom line is that we don’t tell the truth because we took an oath. We tell the truth because we have been transformed into a truth telling saint.
Earthly wisdom counts those who are successful, influential, and wealthy as blessed. Wisdom from above counts those who faithfully endure to be blessed.
The issue is our attitude toward wealth. If we love the idea of being wealthy, we are as guilty as the wealthy person who James describes in these verses.
The test of honest self-examination has an objective. It is here to humble us and to strip us of all self-confidence, self-assurance, self-righteousness.
James makes a point that must be acknowledged. The seeds which produce the fruit of righteousness will be the seeds of God’s wisdom, the wisdom from above.
James is calling us to be determined, decisive, and driven to become wise and understanding. We must all acknowledge that we really have no other option.
The one who is wise and understanding will display wisdom and understanding through moral and virtuous deeds which are done in the gentleness of wisdom.
The test of impartial love requires of us that we look at how we love others. The second part of the test requires us to look at how we love “all” others.
This section of James deals with how the Christian is to respond to the trials in life and the first thing we find is a command to consider trials as joy.