
Our Ministries

Learn more about out ministries.

Small Groups

At Grace Bible Church we believe church should be more than a weekly social gathering where people are simply spectators. The work of salvation through Jesus Christ equips us to serve one another in the context of the local assembly of believers. In order that our members might have the opportunity to minister to others within the church, we have a small group ministry that meets on Sunday evenings. (Except for the fourth Sunday of each month when we serve at the Gospel Rescue Mission.)

Within our small groups we encourage intimate, life to life interaction. We want our members to get to know one another on a deeper level. We are trying to facilitate true biblical fellowship where our members can be involved with one another life to life. This requires an atmosphere of trust where people are free to share honestly their struggles, fears, and failures and find others who are willing to shoulder burdens and help.

During these small group meetings we encourage people to share with others the work God is doing in their lives. We want to pray for one another and offer one another helpful insights and encouragement from God’s word.

These groups generally meet in the homes of one of the group’s members. Of course, food is always a part of the small-group fellowship experience!

Local Ministries

Gospel Rescue Mission

Gospel Rescue Mission of Muskogee
Pregnancy Resource Center of Muskogee
Oklahoma Jail & Prison Ministry

National & International

Trans-World Radio
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Grace To You
Field & Hearth Project – Todd and Colleen Adams Family
Action Zambia Pastor’s College
Student Mobilization

Ian and Marilyn Torres – native missionaries to the Philippines
Tech Team Advantage – Mark Friend
Fellowship International Mission – Candy Surrett in Peru

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